Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Must KNOW Medical Information

Three times in one day. Wow, I'm getting to be like MckMamma, in a good way, I promise, in a good way.

Ok, I am going to totally embarrass myself for the greater cause. This next entry is a little graphic, so please don't let your children read this.

I am sacrificing my own honor for all of you. So, please remember this. This out of love for my friends and family.

Today, I experienced something I hope and pray none of you, or either of you since there are only two of you who read this blog, never ever have to experience. I have a... I can't even say it without laughing....hemorrhoid.

Don't ask me how or why because I'm not really sure. I thought really old ladies and pregnant ladies got those. Since I am neither(bummer to the latter), I have no idea how I get to be blessed with this experience. At least if I was pregnant, I could get a cute baby in the end. But no such luck, so for the lucky ladies who have not experienced before mentioned ailment, I have some sage-like advice.

Tip 1:
Don't ignore the pain on your bum.
My mom said if you don't take care of it right away, you have to go to the doctor's and get it cut off or burned off. WHAT???????????????????????????????????? Are you kidding me????? Who signed me up for this gig?

Tip 2:
Use the medicated wipes.
According to the nice pharmacist at our local Kroger, after using the restroom toilet paper often irritates the area and can make it bleed(then you have to go to the doctors and we've already discussed why that CAN'T happen). The wipes also have aloe and vitamin e to help it heal(got that one from the package, just trying to help you all out.I gotta keep my readers fully informed of any hemorrhoid information.)

Tip 3:
When asking said pharmacist about hemorrhoid cremes and wipes, act as if it is your husband that has the hemorrhoid, not you!
To make you feel better about having to ask about hemorrhoid creme in front of others. Also, because Heaven knows dignified ladies who are not pregnant or who are not over 60 DO NOT have to experience painful bums because of hemorrhoids.

Tip 4:
Don't get a hemorrhoid. It totally sucks!
No explanation needed.

HOTTIE thinks this is quite humorous and suggested maybe we go out and buy some hemorrhoid pillows. Ha, ha, ha.

My mom's response is "You didn't get them when you were pregnant, consider yourself lucky!"

I hope this helps, although I hope you never have to use the information!

I'm so glad God can use me to help others.

God Bless,


Tonight at grad school, we were discussing a book we have to read during our break. It's a book called Alicia Afterimage. It's a book about a teenager named Alicia who died in a car accident. The book is filled with various accounts from her mom, dad, and friends about her life. It is a true story. Needless to say, it's a hard book for me to read. I have read the first chapter and last chapter, which happen to be the accounts from Alicia's mom, and couldn't get much farther.

As we were talking, I mentioned that the book was particularly hard book for me to read since I lost my son. That's when one of the other ladies mentioned she had lost her son when he was 11. Then, another lady said that she lost her son when he was seven weeks old of SIDS.

Isn't that amazing(not in a good way)? Three people in one class had experienced losing a child. The weird thing is I'm not in a class of 20 ladies, I'm in a class with 7 other people. Wow, how weird is that? God is truly that gracious to bring all three of us together and I can't wait to see what he does with this and what healing will come out of this. This is no mistake! First, the teacher has taught this exact class for 20 years and this is the first time ever she has used Alicia Afterimage as a course text. Secondly, three out of eight people have experienced losing their sons. Lastly, one of the ladies almost had a heart attack when I mentioned David's name. Her son's name was also David. She then asked what my David's middle name was and was stunned when I said Alexander because her son's middle name is Allen(which is my dad's middle name and was almost David's middle name) This is no coincidence, ladies! I am so excited to see what God has in store for me this semester!!! Let the healing continue!!

Moments of Joy - 1 and 2

I wanted to start documenting my moments of joy.
1. Do you remember me saying that I think I was meant to be a southern lady? Well, I've decided God's little princess 1 was meant to grow up in the Bronx. Everytime you ask her something, she says "shure". It is the cutest thing ever! It makes me chuckle everytime and I think of the Bronx and New York everytime she says it. By the way, I went to New York City before the kids were born and LOVED it! I can't wait to take the girls there one day. I promise I'm not teasing New Yorkers.

2. I made cookies for my Family Book Club at school last night. It was a recipe off the side of the cake mix box. It was the first time I've made cookies with a cake mix. Regardless, the girls and HOTTIE loved them. Well, this morning God's little princess 2 got to have 1 after breakfast. Yah, you heard right, after breakfast. It happens sometimes ladies, it just does. Well, she kept on talking about how she wanted more and I said no(since it's 9:00 A.M.). I closed up the container they are in and walk away. Well, not more than a minute later she has the top off and I remind her that we aren't eating anymore cookies. So then she says "Momma, I'm just smelling them. They smell soooooooo good!" AAWWW! My heart just melts when they say really cute things.

Thank you Jesus for these moments of Joy today! Keep'em coming and open my eyes!

Blessed while waiting to become the woman God wants me to be,

Saturday, January 24, 2009


God's Little Princess 2 is back in full swing!!! She is now her normal spunky, independent, and head strong self. THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!! Thank you for your prayers.

More to come....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prayers Needed

Please be praying for God's Little Princess 2. She is STILL feeling very yucky and hasn't been eating much. We are almost 24 hours vomit free so that is very exciting but she still has really bad diarrhea. Please pray that she gets her energy back and starts to feel better. I'm hoping that tonight's sleep will give her body time to recharge and she'll be herself again. She has totally been laying on the floor or on the couch all the time. She doesn't play. So please be praying for her health.

I know it seems that the flu should be no big deal but every time the girls are sick, it sends me to a place I don't like to dwell. I worry about them so much. You all know what I'm trying to say without having to speak the words. David's death affects everything, it touches everything. I hate it!

Regardless, PRAY for our princess. Also, pray for health and wellness for God's Little Princess 1 too.

God Bless,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Flu, Report Cards, Skits, OH MY!!!!

Once again, a quick update when I have other far more important things to do like:

-Nursing poor God's Little Princess 2 back to health. The poor girl caught the flu that is going around. Poor Auntie Linnie had God's Little Princess 2 on her lap at our local Chili's when... surprise... God's Little Princess 2 throw up all over the table. Poor little girl and poor Auntie Linnie. GROSS! The flu bug took over for the evening and I thought we were done but low and behold round 2 came tonight. Pray for our princess. I pray this is over and done with. Also pray for God's Little Princess 1 not to get it.

-My favorite time of year is upon us- REPORT CARDS! So much to do so little time when you have a pukey kid(well expect for blogging since that is SOOOOO important. See where my priorities are.).

-I am going to be in a skit at church this coming Sunday. I am still learning my lines since I am such a procrastinator. Pray that I get them because I have a feeling that this skit could really help some people. It's about our current economic crisis.

Well, it's time to check on my princess again. No throwing up in two hours. YEAH!

Have a great night and praying for a fluless season for you!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Upcoming Posts

Check back for posts on the following:
-More goals for 2009
-Recap of 2008
-Ornaments- This year's losses, MIAs, and favorites (I even got pictures for this one. Wow, I'm getting pretty snazzy.)

Have a great night. The Christmas tree is officially done and ready to go in the basement tomorrow morning(as I sleep in by the way). Time for Aurora to go up in it's place. The princesses got a cool interactive Sleeping Beauty Vanity Table for Christmas. Fun, Fun, Fun!

God Bless,

Christmas Tree Ramblings

I need a break from my Christmas tree putting away process. So, I decided what I needed was a cup of hot tea and a quick post on my blog. Just the necessities of life ladies, just the necessities. Well, excluding the hour I spent reading blogs before I began putting the Christmas tree away as I had to check on Baby Stellan over at My Charming Kids and the latest ramblings of Big Mamma over at her blog.

Side note- Funny Story. Tonight I was cracking up at the latest entry over at Big Mamma's blog. I love to read her blog. Really I think I was meant to be a southern lady, I just grew up in the wrong state. So, I get my southern fix from Big Mamma. Regardless, she highlighted the best parts of her past year. As previously stated, I was laughing hysterically. So HOTTIE asks, "What are you laughing about over there?". My response is "I'm reading a post from one of my bloggy friends, Big Mamma." HOTTIE then turns around as he's playing Star Wars on his Playstation 3 and says, "Does she know she's your friend?". In which I reply, "No, but she's still my friend." You may not find that funny, but I do.

Back on track, this is supposed to be a quick post. It's all good, even though it's a half an hour later. I digress.

I am reading a great book called Conflict Free Living by Joyce Meyer. I got it from my mother-in-law for my birthday. In all honesty, at first I was kinda perturbed and insulted that she bought the book for me. My flesh instantly says, "Why does she think that you need a book like that? She must think you're a horrible mom and wife." But after God gently and then not so gently(due to my lack of listening) reminded me, that maybe THAT attitude is my whole problem. My pride is getting the best of me(I hope that you're noticing the pattern that God is revealing to me, i.e. my last blog entry).

My pride is the stem of all of this. It is the underlying root of my problems with my confidence. God is revealing to me that my confidence comes from him, not from me. I don't need to be confident in myself, I need to be confident in the fact that God is working through me. That he not only counted every hair on my head but gave me my personality for a reason. That I am fearfully and wonderfully made by him. I am no mistake and my personality isn't a mistake either. I need to be confident in the fact that he is GOD and HE doesn't make mistakes. I am perfect in his eyes. I am the apple of his eye. What the world says about me and to me doesn't matter. HE matters and that's all.

Wow, breathe that in. Isn't that amazing? That God not only thinks that about me but he thinks that about us all.

It's time for my life to change, ladies. I can't let my insecurities be met by others. Who cares if someone thinks I'm a lousy mom(which I totally rebuke by the way)? I don't need their approval anymore. I have to do what GOD wants me to do. I need to be confident in the fact that if I need to change he'll let me know and that he'll help me though.

So as 2008 ends, so does the strife in my life. Strife steals joy and I have had too much of that stolen from me already. 2009 is the time to relax, enjoy my family, and laugh. My new saying for 2009:

Laugh, live, love. OFTEN.

So much for a quick post.

Read Joyce Meyers book, it's a great one. Maybe you are just like me and you have some strife in your life that you didn't know about either.

If you need to laugh, check out Big Mamma's blog. She gives me a daily dose.

God Bless,
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