Tuesday, August 26, 2008

David's Gift Foundation

As I said before, I would really like to make some "good" of David's life. I have often contemplated creating a foundation in David's honor and have never taken the time to do so since it seems so hard. One thing I would like the foundation to do is to give disposable cameras to local hospitals for grieving families. I only have 5 pictures of my son, which is devastating. Only 1 of them is a good picture of him, a.k.a where you can actually see him rather than a baby covered in a blanket. We never expected to lose David that night so we weren't prepared and never thought to ask someone to bring a camera. Thankfully, my mother-in-law and father-in-law were in a state of mind in which they thought to bring it. I have four pictures from their camera (back in the olden days of non-digital cameras) and a Polaroid picture that a nurse was kind enough to take for us. Grieving parents should have the opportunity to take tons of pictures of their babies because that is all they will ever have. I would like to provide that opportunity for them. Nurses would give the camera to parents or they can take pictures of the baby themselves. All mommies should have the ability to remember what her baby looked like. Please pray that God helps me make this possible.

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